ALife Japan’s Future Talent Program is designed to nurture, support and accelerate the next generation of ALife researchers. Providing funding, mentorship, and advice on your ALife project.
Application deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024: 23:59
Please submit your ideas using ALife-related technologies and research in a proposal. We welcome proposals in a wide range of fields, including software, hardware, wet, and art.
We are particularly interested in proposals that will specifically produce new services, software, artwork, etc. throughout the project period, and proposals that will effectively utilize the support provided by this project to achieve future goals.
We also welcome proposals that incorporate and develop the idea of artificial life into ideas and initiatives that we are currently considering.
During the project period, you will be able to receive specific advice on the concept of artificial life and related technologies through discussions with mentors who are artificial life researchers, and reflect such advice in your initiatives. In addition, support funds will be provided for the execution of the project.
High school, university, and graduate students affiliated with educational and research institutions in Japan.
400,000 yen/project
(300,000 yen student fellowship + 100,000 yen materials)
A few grants will be awarded this year, based on submissions.
Application deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024: 23:59
Project (7 – 8 months)